So far, the ORACLE performed two chapters.
If future lets us, there are more to come!
Online Oracle: to every question there is an answer
Online Performances, 2020
Together we will be the online oracle you have been waiting for: How do you deal with a pandemic and its consequences on a personal, political and social level? There are many questions and often there are no answers. This project gives you the oppor- tunity to ask these questions to a group of four artists. We will collect those beforehand and answer creatively: through movement, drawing and writing, with poetic, playful and sensual means, we will act as a collective online oracle.
directed by Mira Hirtz
performed by Franziska Böhm, Kate Brown, Frieda Luke and Jo Ziebritzki
digitally hosted by ZKM Karlsruhe und Kulturzentrum Karlsruhe
supported by Kulturamt | Kulturbüro of the City of Karlsruhe and LBBW Stiftung